Mindful Business Charter Community Area

INSIGHT SESSION - Running meetings effectively and inclusively - September 2022

We all spend a lot of time in meetings, whether they be  virtual, in person or hybrid. The quality of those meetings and the thinking  they generate varies widely. Sadly, all too often the poor quality of  meetings discourages people from preparing and participating as they might,  which feeds a downward, and self-fulfilling, cycle in the quality of the  meetings.


The second pillar of the Charter obviously speaks about a  number of the issues around meetings. The changes to the Charter in January  2022 specifically focussed on the need to run meetings inclusively, taking  account both of location of participants and their neurodiversity.


As  part of our developing programme of events around specific aspects of the  Charter and related issues, we are delighted to be hosting a session with  Katie Driver of the Thinking Alliance. Katie is an accredited practitioner of  the Thinking Environment®, a way of working developed by Nancy Kline which  aims to generate the best possible thinking in the many different  environments in which it’s needed – meetings being a prime example. Katie’s  session will be about enabling better quality meetings and will draw on  Thinking Environment® approaches which echo much of what the Charter speaks  about. You can find out more about Katie and her approach in this post from  May 2022 -  Yes,  you can have better meetings! | LinkedIn.


We  want the session to be experiential as well as content driven and so we are  limiting numbers to 40 a time. We will run the session twice at different  times of the day to accommodate different time zones. We will record and edit  the sessions so as to make the theory elements available in the members area  of the website, but, to get the real benefit of the session, we strongly  recommend attending live. Although anyone who runs meetings would benefit,  numbers are limited and so we are focussing this event on you, the MBC leads  within member organisations (and perhaps one or two other key people you  might want to pass the invitation on to) - to make room for all members we  would ask that places be limited to two per organisation.


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