
As we continue to grow and become more well known, so we become more recognised as an authoritative voice on workplace wellbeing in a variety of areas. We use this voice to effect change and its authority comes from our membership base. Here are some of the resources we have created that showcase the work we do.

Statement of benefits

There are a wide range of benefits which come from being a member and confirming your organisation’s commitment to our shared purpose. Some can be assessed in terms of financial value and some directly improve workplace culture and environment but may be harder to quantify. This document is intended to help you understand those benefits, all of which come from the annual membership fee which we believe is both small and excellent value for money. 

Literature and dispute resolution guidance

In March 2023 the Mindful Business Charter published our Guidance for Litigation professionals, to help address some of the unnecessarily stress inducing behaviour that goes on in the context of disputes work. This updated version provides practical, common sense considerations, with clear examples, to hold in mind to ensure less stress for all involved parties.

White paper

Often, we hear how damaging a career in the legal system is to one’s mental health, perhaps more so than any other profession. This paper collates a wide base of empirical studies and reviews which provide clear evidence to corroborate what has previously been anecdotally accepted. It also looks at why our approach -  tackling the root cause of stress rather than the symptoms, is the effective way to build healthier, more productive workplaces.

One page explainer

This document provides you with a very simple introduction to who we are, what we do, our fees and what you need to do to join.

You should sign up. Here’s how and why.

Leading modern workplaces understand that effective wellbeing strategies involve looking at the causes of unnecessary stress, and removing them, to build healthier, more productive workplaces. Join us to be one of them.